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Accepted basex 9.7-1 (source) into unstable

Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 01 May 2022 18:30:59 -0700
Source: basex
Architecture: source
Version: 9.7-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Alexander Holupirek <>
Changed-By: tony mancill <>
 basex (9.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Alexander Holupirek ]
   * New upstream release.
     VERSION 9.7 (March 23, 2022) -------------------------------------------
      - numerous performance tweaks and optimizations
      - support for formatting integers and dates in French
      - xslt:transform-report: support for xsl:messages
      - util:strip-namespaces: remove namespaces from elements
      - XSD validation: improved support for XML catalogs
     VERSION 9.6.4 (December 17, 2021) --------------------------------------
      - Performance tweaks, minor fixes
     VERSION 9.6.3 (October 21, 2021) ---------------------------------------
      - Minor fixes, Performance tweaks
     VERSION 9.6.2 (September 30, 2021) -------------------------------------
      - Performance tweaks, minor bug fixes
     VERSION 9.6.1 (August 26, 2021) ----------------------------------------
      - GUI bug fix, XQuery performance tweaks
     VERSION 9.6 (August 19, 2021) ------------------------------------------
      - Archive Module, archive:write: stream large archives to file
      - SQL Module: support for more SQL types
      - Full-Text Module, ft:thesaurus: perform Thesaurus queries
      - Fulltext, fuzzy search: specify Levenshtein limit
      - UNROLLLIMIT option: control limit for unrolling loops
      - Java objects of unknown type are wrapped into function items
      - results of constructor calls are returned as function items
      - the standard package java.lang. has become optional
      - array arguments can be specified with the middle dot notation
      - conversion can be controlled with the WRAPJAVA option
      - better support for XQuery arrays and maps
      - RESTXQ: Server-Timing HTTP headers are attached to the response
     VERSION 9.5.2 (May 27, 2021) -------------------------------------------
      - Performance tweaks, minor bug fixes
     VERSION 9.5.1 (April 2, 2021) ------------------------------------------
      - Performance tweaks, minor bug fixes
     VERSION 9.5 (February 25, 2021) ----------------------------------------
      - the client IP address behind a proxy is added to the logs
      - stack traces in the error message can now be suppressed
      - the default error code has been changed from 400 to 500
      - error messages are more user-friendly now (#1708)
      - content negotiation was improved (#1991)
      - inline arguments of called function (#1982)
      - Utility: new functions for sequences, arrays and maps
      - Higher-Order Functions: hof:drop-while
      - Jobs: More options for job intervals
      - revised scoring propagation (all items will take less memory)
      - default function inlining limit reduced from 100 to 50
      - axis path rewritings, better typing (#1910, #1976, #1979)
      - better typing (#1906, #1908, #1909, #1944, #1945)
      - faster data()/string() checks (#1975)
      - rewrite map:merge to map:put (#1969)
      - rewrite order by to fn:sort (#1966)
      - rewrite group by to fn:distinct-values (#1932)
      - rewrite quantifiers to FLWOR expressions (#1961)
      - optimizations of arithmetic expressions (#1938, #1972)
      - optimizations of lookup operator (#1929, #1984)
      - optimizations of counts (#1965, #1973, #1974)
      - optimizations of regular lists (#1919, #1924)
      - optimizations of switch expression (#1920)
      - optimizations of instance of (#1939)
      - distinct values (#1930, #1967)
      - positional checks (#1937)
      - existence checks (#1971)
     VERSION 9.4.6 (January 7, 2021) ----------------------------------------
      - Performance tweaks, minor bug fixes
     VERSION 9.4.5 (November 24, 2020) --------------------------------------
      - Minor bug fixes
     VERSION 9.4.4 (November 6, 2020) ---------------------------------------
      - Performance tweaks, minor bug fixes
     VERSION 9.4.3 (September 11, 2020) -------------------------------------
      - New compile-time optimizations and performance tweaks
     VERSION 9.4.2 (August 21, 2020) ----------------------------------------
      - Performance tweaks, bug fixes
     VERSION 9.4.1 (July 26, 2020) ------------------------------------------
      - Minor bug fixes and performance tweaks
     VERSION 9.4 (July 14, 2020) --------------------------------------------
      - DBA: support for millions of log entries
      - LOGTRACE option: write trace output to logs or STDERR
      - rest:init: Full or partial initialization of RESTXQ cache
      - basexhttp: register job services
      - result view: show number of results and result size
      - Shift F4-F7: toggle search options (case, regeex, ..)
      - Ctrl-Shift-B: jump to matching bracket
      - single lock option for reading and updating queries
      - Java bindings: annotation added for updating functions
      - convenience functions: json:doc, csv:doc, html:doc
      - element names: convert:encode-key, convert:decode-key
      - jobs:eval: option added for writing log entries
      - session module: only create new sessions if required
      - boolean comparisons: flatten nested expressions
      - boolean expressions: merge conjunctions
      - comparisons: simplify operands with if expression
      - database functions: always open at compile time
      - databases: propagate to more expressions at compile time
      - filters: inline context for single items
      - filters: rewrite to simple maps
      - FLWOR: inline where clauses into let clauses
      - FLWOR: merge last with return clause, rewrite to simple map
      - FLWOR: rewrite "return if ..." to "where ... return"
      - fn:for-each, fn:filter: rewrite to FLWORs and filters
      - if expression, EBV tests: simplify boolean tests
      - lists, sets, logical expressions: flatten expressions
      - lists: rewrite to union expressions
      - logical expressions: apply more boolean algebra rules
      - paths: remove redundant predicates
      - predicates with name functions: rewrite to name tests
      - predicates: merge expressions, discard redundant tests
      - predicates: remove of superfluous and redundant tests
      - set expressions: merge operands
      - simple map: inline cast expressions
      - simple maps: faster evaluation
      - simple maps: merge operands
      - simple maps: rewrite to paths, optimize for index access
      - switch: rewrite to if expression
      - types: skip redundant checks, promotions  and conversions
     VERSION 9.3.3 (May 15, 2020) -------------------------------------------
      - Minor bug fixes, performance tweaks, new query optimizations
     VERSION 9.3.2 (March 10, 2020) -----------------------------------------
      - Minor bug fixes, numerous performance tweaks
     VERSION 9.3.1 (December 19, 2019) --------------------------------------
      - Minor bug fixes and performance tweaks
     VERSION 9.3 (November 29, 2019) ----------------------------------------
      - seamless streaming of custom responses to the client
      - Request Module: bind attributes to current request
      - better support for the OPTIONS and HEAD methods
      - enforce premature HTTP response with web:error
      - optional GZIP compression of HTTP responses
      - trace output is now stored in database logs
      - server-side forwarding with web:forward
      - GUI: project view: skip directories with .ignore file
      - GUI: project view: do now follow symbolic links
      - DBA: user panel updated to show user info
      - DBA: faster processing of log entries
      - hot fix for replacing single documents with namespaces
      - improved XQuery processing of binary resources
      - ADDCACHE: faster caching of single documents
      - WITHDB: less locking when using fn:doc
      - user:info/user:update-info: process user-specific data
      - db:open-id, db:open-pre: support for multiple ids
      - file:descendants: return descendant file paths
      - inspect:type: return type of a value as string
      - db:alter-backup: rename database backups
      - xsl:transform: support for catalog files
      - merge of adjacent/redundant steps in paths and predicates
      - removal of redundant switch, typeswitch and catch clauses
      - interruption of side-effecting code (Files Modul etc.)
      - fn:count: pre-evaluation of zero-or-one arguments
      - faster processing of alternative steps: a/(b,c)
      - rewriting of paths to simple map expressions
      - inlining of values in simple map expressions
      - flattening of nested simple map expressions
      - rewriting of lists to union expressions
      - removal of superfluous predicates
     VERSION 9.2.4 (July 26, 2019) ------------------------------------------
      - Minor bug fixes
      - Preview implementations of new 9.3 features
     VERSION 9.2.3 (July 5, 2019) -------------------------------------------
      - Numerous query optimization tweaks (paths, simple maps, try/catch)
      - Minor bug fixes
     VERSION 9.2.2 (May 21, 2019) -------------------------------------------
      - Windows installer: Shortcuts fixed
      - Bug fixes (Unit tests; sessions:ids; status code from XQuery error)
      - Web Module: Anchor arguments added
      - WITHDB option: fn:doc, consider or exclude database documents
     VERSION 9.2.1 (May 7, 2019) --------------------------------------------
      - GUI: faster and smarter parsing of project files
      - RESTXQ: custom responses are now sent as streams
      - Performance tweaks (static typing: typeswitch, instance of)
      - Minor bug fixes
     VERSION 9.2 (April 16, 2019) -------------------------------------------
      - comparisons will more often be rewritten to hash joins
      - optimized access to subsequences and single sequence items
      - consistent propagation of static types to evaluation results
      - improved static typing of function items (maps, arrays)
      - more aggressive pre-evaluation at compile time
      - large databases will be opened faster
      - regular storage offset will be computed at runtime
      - no need to import basex-api modules anymore!
      - Archive Module: archive:create-from, new options
      - Database Module: directory-based access via db:dir
      - Profiling Module: new functions (prof:gc, prof:runtime)
      - Validation Module: assign XSD validation features
      - WebSocket Module: query scheduling via ws:eval
      - Utility Module: various new helper functions
      - XSLT Module: support for XML Catalogs (thank you Liam)
      - RESTXQERRORS: Suppress parsing errors at runtime
      - FULLPLAN: comprehensive query plan information
      - stemmer for Arabic texts added
      - GUI: better support for latest JDK versions (incl. OpenJDK)
      - DBA: revised search features in log panel
     VERSION 9.1.2 (January 22, 2019) ---------------------------------------
      Minor bug fixes; performance tweaks (faster WebDAV access).
     VERSION 9.1.1 (December 14, 2018) --------------------------------------
      - Comprehensive rewritings of positional predicates and functions
      - Higher-order functions: Improved type inference
      - Improved rewriting of context-based and/or nested predicates
      Java Bindings:
      - Faster access to and evaluation of Java functions and variables
      - Improved pre-selection of function candidates at compile time
      - Better error messages (incl. function arity and similar names)
      - Settings: user-defined pattern for ignoring log entries
      - Login: pass on URL query strings
      Minor improvements:
      - Import: detect epub files as ZIP archives
      - Digest Authentication: No delay after first request
      - GUI, Preferences: user-defined choice of XML suffixes
     VERSION 9.1 (October 31, 2018) -----------------------------------------
      - New web service for full-duplex client/server communication
      - WebSocket Module: functions for organizing WebSocket connections
      - Embedded sample chat application
      - syntax extensions: Elvis operator, ternary if, if without else
      - local locks via pragmas and function annotations
      - Jobs Module: record and return registration times
      - Database Module: faster processing of value index functions
      - Update Module, update:output: support for caching maps and arrays
      - ENFORCEINDEX option: support for predicates with dynamic values
      - Mac, Windows: Improved rendering support for latest Java versions
      - Choose and display context for XQuery editor expressions
     VERSION 9.0.2 (May 31, 2018) -------------------------------------------
      Critical bug fixes:
      - XQuery: Node ordering of mixed database/fragment instances
      - XQuery: Index rewritings of paths with nested positional predicates
      - WebDAV: Much faster locking of database resources
      - XQuery: Enable ENFORCEINDEX for variable predicate arguments
      - GUI: Larger interaction components, unified font sizes
      Minor Bug fixes:
      - DBA: Suppress menu on login page
      - Commands: Nested evaluation with variable bindings
      - XQuery: Static typing of lookup expressions
   [ tony mancill ]
   * Add debian/gbp.conf for DEP14 format
   * Set Rules-Requires-Root: no in debian/control
   * Move libmaven-exec-plugin-java from BDI to BD
   * Update Vcs URLs to point to Salsa
   * Remove deprecated get-orig-source target
   * Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
   * Use debhelper-compat 13
   * Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.0
   * Add org.relaxng:jing to debian/maven.ignoreRules
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