Accepted ffrenzy 1.0.2~svn20070530-4 (source amd64)
Hash: SHA1
Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 22:34:40 +0200
Source: ffrenzy
Binary: ffrenzy
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 1.0.2~svn20070530-4
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Paul van Tilburg <>
Changed-By: Paul van Tilburg <>
ffrenzy - multiplayer platform game with dwarfs fighting with/for food
ffrenzy (1.0.2~svn20070530-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Upload to Debian unstable (close: #428256).
* Updated package for current standards.
* Added debian/watch file.
* debian/compat: switched to debhelper 7.
* debian/control:
- Added Homepage and Vcs-* fields.
- Removed cdbs depend; bumped debhelper depend to >= 7.
- Removed python-central depend.
- Bumped standards version to 3.9.3.
- Added depend on ${misc:Depends} needed for debhelper 7.
- Dropped depend on python-xmlbase; it's a part of every python2.X
package now.
- Added a depend on ttf-bitstream-vera.
* debian/copyright:
- Updated to usse the Debian copyright format version 1.0.
- Added file paragraphs for stuff under data/.
* debian/dirs: added usr/games.
* debian/ffrenzy-menu.6: renamed from ffrenzy-menu.1; a game man page
should be in section 6.
* debian/ffrenzy.desktop: added desktop information.
* debian/ffrenzy.svg, debian/ffrenzy.xpm: added icons.
* debian/install: install icons and desktop file.
* debian/links: link the Bitstream Vera font file from
* debian/manpages: install the man pages.
* debian/menu: section should be "Games/Action".
* debian/patches: added fix-ffrenzy-menu-path.patch to fix the path
to the ffrenzy binary that is now in /usr/games.
* debian/rules:
- Updated to use debhelper instead of CDBS (with python2).
- Move ffrenzy-menu and ffrenzy to /usr/games.
- Remove the upstream supplied Bistream Vera TTF file.
* debian/source/format: set source format to 3.0 (quilt).
ffrenzy (1.0.2~svn20070530-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed the nearly empty debian/copyright file.
ffrenzy (1.0.2~svn20070530-2) unstable; urgency=low
* First upload attempt to unstable.
* Set myself as maintainer and Sjoerd Simons as uploader.
* Improved the package short and long description.
* Added man-pages ffrenzy(1) and ffrenzy-menu(1).
ffrenzy (1.0.2~svn20070530-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Build of SVN snapshot for the Luon Sid suite.
* Added build-depend on automake1.9.
* Modified depends and build-depend on python2.3 specific packages
to the versionless python packages.
* Description tweaks.
* Added myself as an uploader.
* Bumped debhelper compat (and version dependancy) to version 5.
* CDBSified debian/rules, added cdbs as a build-depend.
* Bumped the standards-version to 3.7.2.
* Update the package to conform to the Debian Python Policy:
- Set XS-Python-Version to current and XB-Python-Version to
- Added ${python:Depends} to the Depends.
- Added python and python-central to the build-depens.
- Added debian/pycompat to declare compatbility with version 2.
* Fixed quoting in debian/menu.
ffrenzy (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
ffrenzy (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
ffrenzy (0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial Release.
f9e2f8eb1fcf9a3eba3e6873ad26858db1919022 1424 ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530-4.dsc
15ad8160d740b55a78edd6373f4dc54b0a7678ba 3992036 ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530.orig.tar.gz
8c09aec5d86d09df42fa97f2f89d0dfb414a8fb2 12544 ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530-4.debian.tar.gz
3fb93d755f827c6a177db70790a73f09ecbc4c9e 3767008 ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530-4_amd64.deb
b01f6035bc5da9b9888f48ed758b48a3ea5ef7ccb3f9202d87ba7a273ff4af00 1424 ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530-4.dsc
e13d0f8cea07727ab49d187c0f9997bd6d91c479832f7a231c26cae857cb458f 3992036 ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530.orig.tar.gz
49e7be7c28258d8e1cce3eeab3257914700f483b6a54c12f49eb96b7151d120d 12544 ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530-4.debian.tar.gz
6d1ac516c80434e2972eac796a9a4fc65be3fad98a6c38c4bc08a7ce957975e1 3767008 ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530-4_amd64.deb
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d11afb4ae15c2a47dd4c9a7c19293369 3992036 games optional ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530.orig.tar.gz
a153ca1620aa93445e042d3d4b514c65 12544 games optional ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530-4.debian.tar.gz
071bbc580786a20db618dfbaa872b092 3767008 games optional ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530-4_amd64.deb
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
to main/f/ffrenzy/ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530-4.debian.tar.gz
to main/f/ffrenzy/ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530-4.dsc
to main/f/ffrenzy/ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530-4_amd64.deb
to main/f/ffrenzy/ffrenzy_1.0.2~svn20070530.orig.tar.gz