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Accepted htdig 1:3.1.6-8 (i386 source all)

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Mon,  2 Aug 2004 01:55:28 +0200
Source: htdig
Binary: htdig htdig-doc
Architecture: source i386 all
Version: 1:3.1.6-8
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Robert Ribnitz <>
Changed-By: Robert Ribnitz <>
 htdig      - WWW search system for an intranet or small internet
 htdig-doc  - Documentation for the htdig package
Closes: 138304 139922 162397 244774 244867 248460 249919
 htdig (1:3.1.6-8) unstable; urgency=low
   * The htdig package has been split into a stable release featuring htdig
     3.1.6 (this package), which should be fit for production use, and an
     unstable release based on the 3.2.0 beta code ('htdig3.2'). This was done
     as it became apparent that htdig 3.2.0 would probably not be ready for
     Sarge release, and even then it was doubtful it would be as fast as the
     old stable release. (Closes: #244867)
   * Patched htfuzzy so that it does not die on words of non-alpha characters
     only when searching for numbers is enabled and a soundex search is
     performed. Thanks to Alex Kiesel for this patch. This is a patch provided
     by the Ht://Dig developer team.
   * Patched htnotify race condition. Htnotify would sit there eating up
     memory, appending newlines to an empty string. As Martin Kraemer
     discovered, an additional check fixes the problem. This patch is also
     provided by the Ht://Dig developer team.
   * Added a patch that allows the correct skipping of JavaScript code. Work
     attributed to Gilles Detillieux. Patch provided by upstream.
   * Have external parsers check for the maximal Document size (max_doc_size).
     Work attributed to Gilles Detillieux. Patch provided by upstream.
   * Fixed the rating of percent values. For some unknown reason, including a
     percent value would rate the document higher than it should. Patch
     provided by upstream (and not attributable to a person).
   * A set of patches brings the HTML documentation up to date, fixing errors
     and clearing ambinguities. Thanks to Gilles Detillieux for these patches.
     Also provided by the upstream developers.
   * Updated the scripts to honor the decision whether htnotify should be run.
   * Removed unnecessary dependency on the newt libraries.
   * Took the debconf translations from the unstable package (they have not
     changed much), and debugged the italian translation so that it no longer
     produced errors.
   * Fixed 'rundig' so that the '-i' option is only passed to htdig, and no
     longer to 'htpurge' and 'htnotify' where it would produce an error.
   * More fun with 'rundig', adapted it to the suggestion of Emmanuel Decaen so
     it would only recognise database_dir at the start of a line, preventing it
     from erroneously using a commented out setting. (Closes: #139922)
   * Brought the rundig manpage up to date to reflect the '-i' option, as it
     works now. Thanks to Francesco Potorti and Ludovic Drolez for reporting.
     (Closes: #162397, #138304)
   * Fixed a condition whereby the databases in /etc/htdig would not be
     removed when the package was uninstalled. (Closes: #244774)
   * Corrected a typo in the french debconf localisation (.po) file. Thanks to
     Benoit Sibaud for discovering the misspelled word. (Closes: #249919)
   * Added a check for file existence in the config script. Thanks to Frank
     Pavageau and James Cameron for their effort (Closes: #248460)
   * Fixed recommends to get more lintian-clean: 'wwwoffle, apache | httpd'
     instead of 'wwwoffle | httpd', esp. since wwwoffle does not provide httpd.
   * Removed 'debian/conffiles', as scripts and files in /etc are automatically
     treated as configuration files.
   * Adapted the copyright file to reflect the current licensing situation.
   * Externally linked against the Berkeley DB libraries, rather than using the
     old libraries ht://Dig came with (2.6.4). This resolves some licensing
     worries. It adds a build dependency of the package against 'libdb2-dev',
     and a runtime dependency against 'libdb2', however.
   * Cleaned up the templates file, removing unused  entries.
   * Adapted cron scripts to no longer use the debconf-gathered values
     directly. Instead, an interim file is used (/etc/default/htdig).
 50a8c13baff352858cba2e0152445b78 586 web optional htdig_3.1.6-8.dsc
 2f7e869aa0cc738e7715ee4da62aa3cd 34042 web optional htdig_3.1.6-8.diff.gz
 6c645556481a87e396e6863f73004121 320162 doc optional htdig-doc_3.1.6-8_all.deb
 77cc801e0a3c485795b7aa8986bb1ee4 954732 web optional htdig_3.1.6-8_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/h/htdig/htdig-doc_3.1.6-8_all.deb
  to pool/main/h/htdig/htdig_3.1.6-8.diff.gz
  to pool/main/h/htdig/htdig_3.1.6-8.dsc
  to pool/main/h/htdig/htdig_3.1.6-8_i386.deb

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