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Accepted libreoffice-dictionaries 1:5.2.3-1 (source) into unstable

Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2016 16:07:30 +0000
Source: libreoffice-dictionaries
Binary: myspell-af myspell-en-gb myspell-en-za myspell-it myspell-ku myspell-sw myspell-th myspell-sl libreoffice-lightproof-pt-br hyphen-af hunspell-af mythes-ar hyphen-bg hunspell-bg mythes-bg hunspell-bn hunspell-bs hyphen-ca mythes-ca hyphen-cs hunspell-cs mythes-cs hyphen-da hunspell-da mythes-da hunspell-de-at-frami hunspell-de-ch-frami hunspell-de-de-frami hyphen-de hyphen-el hunspell-el hunspell-en-au hunspell-en-ca hunspell-en-za mythes-en-us hyphen-en-gb hunspell-en-gb hyphen-es hunspell-es mythes-es hyphen-fr mythes-fr hunspell-gd hyphen-gl hunspell-gl mythes-gl hunspell-gu mythes-gug hunspell-he hunspell-hi hunspell-hr hyphen-hu hunspell-hu mythes-hu hyphen-is hunspell-is mythes-is hyphen-it hunspell-it mythes-it hunspell-kmr hunspell-lo hyphen-lt hunspell-lt mythes-lv hunspell-ne mythes-ne hyphen-nl hunspell-nl hyphen-no hunspell-no mythes-no hunspell-oc hunspell-pl hyphen-pt-br hunspell-pt-br hyphen-pt-pt hunspell-pt-pt mythes-pt-pt hyphen-ro hunspell-ro
 mythes-ro hunspell-ru mythes-ru hunspell-si hyphen-sk hunspell-sk mythes-sk hyphen-sl hunspell-sl mythes-sl hyphen-sr hunspell-sr hyphen-sv hunspell-sv mythes-sv hunspell-sw hunspell-te hunspell-th hyphen-uk hunspell-uk mythes-uk hunspell-vi
Architecture: source
Version: 1:5.2.3-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian LibreOffice Maintainers <>
Changed-By: Mattia Rizzolo <>
 hunspell-af - Afrikaans dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-bg - Bulgarian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-bn - Bengali dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-bs - Bosnian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-cs - Czech dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-da - Danish dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-de-at-frami - German (Austria) dictionary for hunspell ("frami" version)
 hunspell-de-ch-frami - German (Switzerland) dictionary for hunspell ("frami" version)
 hunspell-de-de-frami - German dictionary for hunspell ("frami" version)
 hunspell-el - Modern Greek dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-en-au - English (Australia) dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-en-ca - English (Canada) dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-en-gb - English (GB) dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-en-za - English (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-es - Spanish dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-gd - Scottish Gaelic dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-gl - Galician dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-gu - Gujarati dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-he - Hebrew dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-hi - Hindi dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-hr - Croatian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-hu - Hungarian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-is - Icelandic dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-it - Italian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-kmr - Kurmanji dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-lo - Laotian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-lt - Lithuanian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-ne - Nepalese dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-nl - Dutch dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-no - Norwegian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-oc - Occitan dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-pl - Polish dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-pt-br - Brazilian Portuguese dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-pt-pt - Portuguese dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-ro - Romanian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-ru - Russian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-si - Sinhala dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-sk - Slovak dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-sl - Slovene dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-sr - Serbian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-sv - Swedish dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-sw - Swahili dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-te - Telugu dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-th - Thai dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-uk - Ukrainian dictionary for hunspell
 hunspell-vi - Vietnamese dictionary for hunspell
 hyphen-af  - Afrikaans hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-bg  - Bulgarian hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-ca  - Catalan hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-cs  - Czech hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-da  - Danish hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-de  - German hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-el  - Modern Greek hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-en-gb - English (GB) hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-es  - Spanish hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-fr  - French hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-gl  - Galician hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-hu  - Hungarian hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-is  - Icelandic hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-it  - Italian hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-lt  - Lithuanian hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-nl  - Dutch hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-no  - Norwegian hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-pt-br - Brazilian Portuguese hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-pt-pt - Portuguese hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-ro  - Romanian hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-sk  - Slovak hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-sl  - Slovene hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-sr  - Serbian hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-sv  - Swedish hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-uk  - Ukrainian hyphenation patterns
 hyphen-zu  - Zulu hyphenation patterns
 libreoffice-lightproof-pt-br - Lightproof grammar checker for LibreOffice (Brazilian Portuguese)
 myspell-af - Afrikaans dictionary for hunspell - dummy transitional package
 myspell-en-gb - English (GB) dictionary for hunspell - dummy transitional package
 myspell-en-za - English (ZA) dictionary for hunspell - dummy transitional package
 myspell-it - Italian dictionary for hunspell - dummy transitional package
 myspell-ku - Kurmanji dictionary for hunspell - dummy transitional package
 myspell-sl - Slovenian dictionary for hunspell - dummy transitional package
 myspell-sw - Swahili dictionary for hunspell - dummy transitional package
 myspell-th - Thai dictionary for hunspell - dummy transitional package
 mythes-ar  - Arabic Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-bg  - Bulgarian Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-ca  - Catalan Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-cs  - Czech Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-da  - Danish Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-en-us - English (USA) Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-es  - Spanish Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-fr  - French Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-gl  - Galician Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-gug - Guarani Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-hu  - Hungarian Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-is  - Icelandic Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-it  - Italian Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-lv  - Latvian Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-ne  - Nepalese Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-no  - Norwegian Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-pt-pt - Portuguese Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-ro  - Romanian Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-ru  - Russian Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-sk  - Slovak Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-sl  - Slovene Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-sv  - Swedish Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 mythes-uk  - Ukrainian Thesaurus for LibreOffice
 libreoffice-dictionaries (1:5.2.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Rene Engelhard ]
   * [3dceac5] Imported Upstream version 5.2.3
   [ Mattia Rizzolo ]
   * [af18d38,7fd2768] Add some more Multi-Arch:foreign markers to the
     transitional packages.
   * [1990c95] d/copyright: remove weird U+2028 char.
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