Accepted mooix 1.0rc2 (i386 source)
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Format: 1.7
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 19:00:39 -0400
Source: mooix
Binary: mooix
Architecture: source i386
Version: 1.0rc2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Joey Hess <>
Changed-By: Joey Hess <>
mooix - a MOO built on top of the unix system
Closes: 198368
mooix (1.0rc2) unstable; urgency=medium
# Release candidate #2.
* Added new safechange method for avatars, which collects the whole
security policy for how an avatar can modify objects in one place
(except for parent field changes).
* Modified all appropriate verbs to call safechange.
* As a bonus, you can now do things like 'edit my sshkey' and it'll really
* Builders can now install packages, if safechange allows all the
necessary operations. If the package contains methods or something else
illegal, there will be warnings, but the rest of the contents will be
installed as best it can.
* Changed the package format. No more tarballs, now it's plain text,
easily transportable (by pasting if nothing else), auditable, and
* Reworked how packages install; upgrade is called on the final objects,
not temp copies, and objects are initted at install time.
* Removed safesetfield and safedeletfield methods including the nasty
ones in restrictedavatar.
* Moved rename_verb into the avatar, and it uses safechange.
* Make removecommand remove the associated message too.
* Fix use of list verb on binary methods.
* Fix going home from a destroyed room.
* Fix a bug in dig command with aliases in exit names.
* Fix a stupid security hole in avatar edit_verb; any method could be run
with no params.
* Remove programmer delete verb; unset should suffice.
* Don't let builders override .*-opaque fields.
* Removed old builder info command, replaced by usage long ago.
* Door editability fix.
* Add spoof-detection code to all programmer verbs. Just the verb(this)
limit is not enough if a builder derives a programmer and edits the
.cmd fields.
* Do same to all other verb(this) limited verbs, on general principles.
* verb(this) is still useful as a parser hint, so not removed.
* Put yes/no parsing in the parser (parse_yesno), where it belongs.
* Perl binding fieldfile: return relative path for mixins, so they can be
execed by _runmethod.
* Fix return code from mood kill-by-number code.
* Audited all init methods for idempotency. Necessary for object morphing,
and also the the package system. Several changes.
* Add used field to consumables, needed by init.
* Fix return value of ssh init.
* Flatten verb removed, but you can package and install an object to get
the same result.
* Packages deal better with attempted use by third parties who cannot
modify them.
* Added Mooix::Error to perl binding, and made caught exceptions much
faster (no calltrace generation).
* Really fixed avatar autolooks; onmove was broken if there was no
* Verbs can also return SETITREF. Useful for builder commands, which now
use this extensively. This allows for stuff like digging a room and
using "recylce them" to delete the room and the exits just created.
* Updated python, perl, ruby bindings to support SETITREF.
* Add refstring method that can generate shortest possible reference
strings, and use it in many places that display such strings, including
all object building commands.
* Python changes From Nick:
- added defines() method to binding
- updated documentation
- updated init function for wind_up_duck/python to check for local spring
- is now, hence all references to the Mooix module are
now mooix
* Remove group write bit from contents lists; only physics object needs to
be able to write to those.
* Also remove group write from the sessionmanager->avatars->list.
* Fix owner of dormitory and entrance contents objects.
* Remove old benchmark results files from the tarball (they're still in
subversion if I need them). That makes it 345k smaller..
* Added nasty emacs reset hack, so emacs can be used as an in-moo editor.
* Prevent accidental editing of location fields with a .location-safe.
* Added pt_BR debconf po file translation from Andre Luis Lopes.
Closes: #198368
* Misc robustness fixes in makeavatar, including path absolution.
* Make the object copy (install) faster by using GNU tar (Nick).
* Show command copes with unreadable files.
* setfield method actually returns values like its docs said it did
* perl binding fail command properly quotes its output.
* Removed old, forgotten, and unused chmodfield method. I added setmode
after forgetting about it, and setmode is better. Nothing uses the old
* Perl binding treats sticky reference lists with just a newline as if they
contain zero, not one, items.
* setfield does not add a newline after the last item in a field.
d8814b91277bde01f16943aa18948d93 580 misc optional mooix_1.0rc2.dsc
4751330580668b9739171fc5129b1017 531107 misc optional mooix_1.0rc2.tar.gz
ca3e544ee0d96c3dfff4ce3d60940a12 540336 misc optional mooix_1.0rc2_i386.deb
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
to pool/main/m/mooix/mooix_1.0rc2.dsc
to pool/main/m/mooix/mooix_1.0rc2.tar.gz
to pool/main/m/mooix/mooix_1.0rc2_i386.deb
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