Accepted mumble 1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2 (source amd64)
Hash: SHA1
Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 08 Jul 2012 06:18:50 +0930
Source: mumble
Binary: mumble mumble-server mumble-dbg
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ron Lee <>
Changed-By: Ron Lee <>
mumble - Low latency VoIP client
mumble-dbg - Low latency VoIP client (debugging symbols)
mumble-server - Low latency VoIP server
Closes: 675955 675971 676815 676816 678759
mumble (1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Drop the hard dep on boost-1.46, that's been removed now. Closes: #678759
Drop the | dep on alternative boost, since that's what got this package
overlooked when people were removing boost-1.46.
* Drop the | dep on libgl-dev, that's been gone a long time now too and
leaves us vulnerable to a similar problem.
* Drop the mumble-server-web package altogether. Upstream reports that it
is unmaintained and "pretty useless anyway", which seems to be well backed
up by the fact that a call to Ice_intversion() was added in March 2010,
and that function has never existed in any version of zeroc-ice ever.
A function named Ice_intVersion was added to -ice 3.2.1 though ...
Since it's taken this long for anyone to notice, we can be pretty sure that
there aren't any actual users of it. Closes: #676815, #676816
* Build-Depend on the unfycked version of zeroc-ice, so the ABI broken one
doesn't accidentally get used by an out of date buildd. Closes: #675955
Force building with gcc-4.6, since that's required for zeroc-ice deps now,
until they get their act together and write some actually legal code.
* Cherry-pick the upstream patches to fix the "audio glitches", and provide
codec thresholds and warnings. Closes: #675971 since it fixes the only
actual bug reported there.
* Drop the watch file, since this has been building snapshots from git now
since 1.2.3-3 (and before).
228fcf464660c9d884d80273cb1c0ab6e1fe4bdf 1876 mumble_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2.dsc
85b0a8455a4555e19aeca25ef1d20b335e6e6226 36834 mumble_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2.debian.tar.gz
000665df5bc55482f0dafb0302b3d588cd26c971 2827790 mumble_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2_amd64.deb
34bdcf5dbbd16d628383b7899761d589695f724f 955738 mumble-server_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2_amd64.deb
5e181624c063233cb81edbdf6a2350107ac969af 29210486 mumble-dbg_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2_amd64.deb
65575950021cc45a650a5b81caeb37e90fa1b84af943d9fe8e50812fd6fff4e9 1876 mumble_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2.dsc
f2bf04a0134012c29c81df09fd172bfa93c84dee13305be9d8f1bd152e2aad64 36834 mumble_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2.debian.tar.gz
5ddb4f55fc77936d61c8dea0801065ce3b90f36bf68f65a27b7c5162a43c937d 2827790 mumble_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2_amd64.deb
40b88ed917eed21971d8a7581dad36297b9de7b666157072778f971664654b41 955738 mumble-server_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2_amd64.deb
f3b3bba1dee6bfd3f6e7edf02ef78765861877002a59ee8fc790182e3e94560f 29210486 mumble-dbg_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2_amd64.deb
daa46c4a054f1f6f3592ee60258b6966 1876 sound optional mumble_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2.dsc
592dfc80690df198f2e15c04ccb18f66 36834 sound optional mumble_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2.debian.tar.gz
4a033523790f766c018c8f93d4c5941a 2827790 sound optional mumble_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2_amd64.deb
34fb602307051b34538be455ce5ce223 955738 sound optional mumble-server_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2_amd64.deb
d6038523250c916f9d42adf8f1a24e92 29210486 debug extra mumble-dbg_1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2_amd64.deb
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)