Lintian reports 3 errors and 9 warnings
about this package. You should make the package lintian clean
getting rid of them.
The package should be updated to follow the last version of
Debian Policy (Standards-Version
4.7.0 instead of
The as-installed testing for this package
did not pass
This package has been
orphaned. This means that it does not have a real
maintainer at the moment. Please consider adopting this package
if you are interested in it.
Please see bug number
#1012550 for more information.
testing migration
This package is part of the ongoing testing transition known as auto-nodejs.
Please avoid uploads unrelated to this transition, they would
likely delay it and require supplementary work from the release
managers. On the other hand, if your package has problems
preventing it to migrate to testing, please fix them
as soon as possible.
You can probably find supplementary information in the
archives or in the corresponding