Accepted postal 0.65 (source i386)
Hash: SHA1
Format: 1.7
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:14:00 +1100
Source: postal
Binary: postal
Architecture: source i386
Version: 0.65
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Russell Coker <>
Changed-By: Russell Coker <>
postal - SMTP benchmark - the mad postman.
postal (0.65) unstable; urgency=low
* Added new program bhm to listen on port 25 and send mail to /dev/null.
This allows testing mail relay systems.
* Fixed a minor bug in reporting when compiled without SSL.
* Made postal write the date header in correct RFC2822 format.
* Removed the name-expansion feature, it confused many people and is not
needed now that desktop machines typically have 1G of RAM.
Now postal and rabid can have the same user-list file.
* Moved postal-list into the bin directory.
* Changed the thread stack size to 32K (used to be the default of 10M) to
save virtual memory size (not that this makes much difference to
anything other than the maximum number of threads on i386).
* Added a minimum message size option to Postal.
* Added a Postal option to specify a list of sender addresses separately to
the list of recipient addresses.
* Removed some unnecessary error messages.
* Handle EINTR to allow ^Z and "bg" from the command line. I probably
don't handle all cases, but now that I agree that failure to handle ^Z is
an error I expect bug reports.
* Made the test programs display output on the minute, previously they
displayed once per minute (EG 11:10:35) while now it will be 11:10:00.
This also means that the first minute reported will have something less
than 60 seconds of data - this does not matter as a mail server takes
longer than that to get up to speed.
* Added support for GNUTLS and made the Debian package build with it.
Note that BHM doesn't yet work correctly with TLS.
* Made the programs exit cleanly.
129f286ad5f9166095a44c006b15e0d9 493 utils optional postal_0.65.dsc
b1466c62e191aa10fc5ffad49cec9f19 120745 utils optional postal_0.65.tar.gz
64bb6985399918780bcc6efc0e515586 84174 utils optional postal_0.65_i386.deb
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
to pool/main/p/postal/postal_0.65.dsc
to pool/main/p/postal/postal_0.65.tar.gz
to pool/main/p/postal/postal_0.65_i386.deb