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Accepted screen 4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1 (source i386)

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2011 03:29:31 +0200
Source: screen
Binary: screen
Architecture: source i386
Version: 4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1
Distribution: experimental
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Jan Christoph Nordholz <>
Changed-By: Axel Beckert <>
 screen     - terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
Closes: 25096 152961 176626 223320 344759 353090 361274 450421 461107 481411 488619 496750 532240 541793 558724 560231 578729 591624 603009 612990 621704 630535 641867
 screen (4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1) experimental; urgency=low
   [ Brian P Kroth ]
   * New upstream snapshot based on 4.1.0 prerelease 20101110git066b098 as
     packaged by Fedora 15 (Closes: #641867)
   * Removed the following patches which have been applied upstream or are
     otherwise no more necessary:
     - 01CVS
     - 02configure_use_ncursesw
     - 03fully_expand_screenencodings
     - 09CHERRY_*
     - 15manpage_typos
     - 16fix_gcc_warnings_II
     - 18manpage_maxwin_limit
     - 19flowcontrol_lockup
     - 20defmonitor
     - 21manpage_nethack_activation
     - 25allow_symlink_sockdir
     - 27doc_sty_noenvpassing
     - 28blankerprg_callsemantics
     - 29infodoc_version
     - 31upstream_cherries
     - 33increase_max_winmsg_renditions
     - 35screen_invoked_with_a_command
     - 40cjk_eastasian
     - 50EXP_tilde_expansion
   * Refreshed the following patches:
     - 10norootpassword
     - 14size_matters
     - 26source_encoding
   * Added patches from Fedora:
     - 47screen-cc: Additional assertions to improve stability
     - 48screen-ipv6: IPv6 support for built-in telnet
   * Enable telnet (Closes: #353090) and localized day/month names
   [ Axel Beckert ]
   * Add myself as Uploader.
   * Remove Adam Lazur from Uploaders. (Closes: #603009)
   * New upstream snapshot based on 4.1.0 prerelease, commit 450e8f3 of
     2011-Aug-19. (LP: #183849)
     - Fixes a crash when attaching to a layout that was created while
       detached. (Closes: #591624, LP: #786292, #788670)
     - Raises MAXWIN to 100 (Closes: #450421)
     - No more segfaults if resized to 0 or 1 line tall (Closes: #532240,
       LP: #315237)
     - screen -d -m no more segfaults on setenv without value (Closes: #496750)
     - Now has tsl, fsl and dsl terminfo caps (Closes: #152961)
     - Windows created with "-d -m" no more ignore "-X exec" (Closes: #481411)
     - Now has a session name string escape (Closes: #488619)
     - Re-optimize screen updates (Closes: #621704, LP: #588846)
     - No more mishandles xterm control string to set window title (Closes:
       #344759) Thanks to Thomas Dickey and Sadrul Habib Chowdhury.
     - Fixes/Relaxes requirement for a controlling terminal (Closes: #461107)
     - Uses fuzzy-matching for session names only if required (Closes: #361274)
     - Has customizable digraphs (Closes: #25096, a wishlist bug from 1998! :-)
     - Fixes a bug with displaying blank spaces with bce on. (Closes: #578729,
       LP: #702094)
     - Fix using alternate screen buffers in some cases. (Closes: #558724)
     - Several fixes for handling mouse events. (Closes: #223320)
   * Remove the patches which have been applied upstream or are
     otherwise no more necessary:
     - 17manpage_sessionname_warning
     - 30fix_fsf_address
   * Refreshed the following patches:
     - 10norootpassword
     - 11replace_doc_paths
     - 12kfreebsd_ctty
     - 14size_matters
     - 16fix_gcc_warnings
     - 22exchange_file_mode
     - 23exitcode_q_ls
     - 24option_parser
     - 32misc_minor_fixes
   * Refreshed and renumbered the following patches:
     - {51 => 80}EXP_session_creation_time
   * Added patches:
     - 46fix-keybinding-typo-in-manpage (Closes: #630535, #541793)
     - 49long-usernames (Closes: #560231, LP: #582153)
     - 50increase-max-TERM-length
   * Use dh_autoreconf
     - Build-Depend on dh-autoreconf
   * Convert to source format "3.0 (quilt)"
     - Remove build dependency on dpatch
   * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes)
   * Update debian/copyright
     - Upstream switched to GPLv3
     - Update debian packaging information
   * Fix lintian warning debian-rules-missing-recommended-target
   * Add lintian override for
   * /etc/init.d/screen-cleanup: check for existence of screen binary
     (Closes: #612990)
   * Add Vcs-* headers
   * Add extend-diff-ignore=config\.h\.in to debian/source/options
   * Added a NEWS file stating problems to attach to a detached 4.0.3
     session with a 4.1.0 screen, e.g. during a dist-upgrade
   * Suggest iselect, screenie or byobu (Closes: #176626)
 7ec9f8b888ba0ffe73a7c5095462f67c6bc5c369 1435 screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1.dsc
 80bd40a8cdeef29f9531e850bed0ac93216849aa 785431 screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3.orig.tar.gz
 ca7e8ee2661693ab9f21b818d14d1302062d0c0a 41056 screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1.debian.tar.gz
 9994caaa295088d0928ac5d16f32af426bbc9501 648474 screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1_i386.deb
 ba8e3350885321def274b4997c37d94f069ef57da3ef88f9bd9e15be636b4572 1435 screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1.dsc
 2c3aa30b8dfab0ac7bf741d7903da7d3d052e1762a17866cf816269049589c69 785431 screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3.orig.tar.gz
 98de79fdb01d68d94935ae3f0a813eff41dfab463edd6fc4891e81cc288e1193 41056 screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1.debian.tar.gz
 a415f990fe18c4660866cbb21764b5677dfd8109f419b3742fc155a65d573128 648474 screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1_i386.deb
 d2e18660ea8a8ce180857b773a416493 1435 misc optional screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1.dsc
 287eb1b39047adffc3445ff43ac9db65 785431 misc optional screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3.orig.tar.gz
 d5bdb5cebfc3c070ea7fef4bf9ed9689 41056 misc optional screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1.debian.tar.gz
 385df6e38a116881b3d56ec84c750f9c 648474 misc optional screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


  to main/s/screen/screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1.debian.tar.gz
  to main/s/screen/screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1.dsc
  to main/s/screen/screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3-1_i386.deb
  to main/s/screen/screen_4.1.0~20110819git450e8f3.orig.tar.gz