Lintian reports 1 warning
about this package. You should make the package lintian clean
getting rid of it.
The package should be updated to follow the last version of
Debian Policy (Standards-Version
4.7.0 instead of
This package has "Build-Depends: python3-yubico"
while python-yubico
needs a new maintainer, see
O #996759.
The package has a debian/watch file, but the last attempt
to use it for checking for newer upstream versions failed with
an error:
In debian/watch no matching files for watch line archive/(?:[-_]?[Vv]?(\d[\-+\.:\~\da-zA-Z]*))/secrets-\d\S*(?i)(?:\.(?:tar\.xz|tar\.bz2|tar\.gz|tar\.zstd?|zip|tgz|tbz|txz))
autoremoval from testing
Version 9.3-1 of secrets is marked for autoremoval from testing
on 2024-05-28.
It depends (transitively) on
and python-zxcvbn,
affected by RC bug(s)
and 1068975
You should try to prevent the removal from testing by fixing these bugs.