Accepted emacs-goodies-el 39.0 (source) into unstable
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Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2018 16:52:18 +0800
Source: emacs-goodies-el
Binary: emacs-goodies-el devscripts-el
Architecture: source
Version: 39.0
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Emacsen team <>
Changed-By: David Bremner <>
devscripts-el - Emacs wrappers for the commands in devscripts
emacs-goodies-el - Miscellaneous add-ons for Emacs
Closes: 495989 496128 552164 553401 557932 581238 584305 591432 759721 845494 850151 902750 902751 902837 902948 904167 904169
emacs-goodies-el (39.0) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Nicholas D Steeves ]
* Drop highlight-current-line.el and highlight-beyond-fill-column.el
because both are unmaintained (Closes: #902751).
- The functionality of highlight-current-line.el is now provided by
the GNU Emacs builtin hl-line-mode.
- The functionality of highlight-beyond-fill-column is now provided by
the GNU Emacs builtin whitespace-line-column.
* Drop bm.el, which was elpafied (Closes: #902837).
* Drop sys-apropos.el, which has no upstream (Closes: #553401).
- The functionality of sys-apropos is provided by M-x man.
* Drop session.el, which will be elpafied (See Bug #902564).
* Drop framepop.el, which has no upstream (Closes: #902750).
* Drop graphviz-dot-mode.el, which was elpafied (See Bug #902604).
* Drop rfcview.el, whose elpafication is planned (See Bug #903703).
* Drop tabbar.el, which was elpafied (See Bug #437114).
* Drop auto-fill-inhibit.el, which has no upstream (Closes: #496128).
* Drop minibuffer-complete-cycle.el, which has few users (Closes: #845494).
* Drop folding.el, whose elpafication is planned (See Bug #639221).
* Drop eproject.el and eproject-extras.el, whose elpafication is planned
(See Bug #904157).
* Drop upstart-mode.el due to the likelyhood of its disuse during
buster's lifecycle (Closes: #902948).
* Drop services.el and protocols.el, which have few users (Closes: #904167).
* Drop quack.el, because SLIME, Geiser, and racket-mode are all good
alternatives and are already elpafied (Closes: #904169).
* Drop minibuf-electric.el, whose functionality is provided by GNU Emacs
builtin rfn-eshadow.el.
* Drop matlab.el (Closes: #557932). RFP bug for elpafication is #902739.
* Drop obfusurl.el, because it has very few downloads on MELPA.
* Drop thinks.el, because it has very few downloads on MELPA.
* Drop pod-mode.el, which may be elpafied (See Bug #672180).
emacs-goodies-el (38.0) experimental; urgency=medium
[ Nicholas D Steeves ]
* Drop elpafied pkgs from goodies customisation group.
* Add elpafied packages to emacs-goodies-el's Recommends.
* Drop highlight-completion.el (Closes: #581238).
* Add debian/NEWS, to provide a short introduction to how this
package is changing, particularly as this will affect xemacs users.
* Document the state of emacs-goodies-el's subpackages in README.Debian.
eg: Elpafied, Dropped, or Transitioned to a suitable replacement.
* Drop browse-kill-ring.el (it was elpafied).
* Drop home-end.el, which is dead upstream (Closes: #759721).
* Drop htmlize.el (it was elpafied).
* Drop diminish.el, which was elpafied (Closes: #850151).
* Drop csv-mode.el, which was elpafied (Closes: #495989).
* Drop show-wspace.el, which is obsolete and dead upstream.
See Bug #590994 for more information.
* Fix typos in README.Debian.
* Drop filladapt.el, which is dead upstream (Closes: #552164).
* Drop tail.el, which is dead upstream (Closes: #584305).
[ David Bremner ]
* Patch emacs-goodies-el.texinfo. Bug fix: "emacs-goodies-el info manual
ccmode xref", thanks to Kevin Ryde (Closes: #591432). Note that this
file will eventually go away.
[ Sean Whitton ]
* debian/NEWS: rewrite to exclude all details not relevant to end users.
emacs-goodies-el (37.0) experimental; urgency=medium
* Adopt by emacsen-team
* Don't generate binary-packages debian-el and dpkg-dev-el from this
source package (now generated by source packages of the same name).
* Update maintainer scripts for unversioned emacs: byte-compile flavour
emacs, just don't symlink.
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