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Accepted emacs-goodies-el 40.0 (source) into unstable

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Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 21:58:23 -0400
Source: emacs-goodies-el
Binary: emacs-goodies-el
Architecture: source
Version: 40.0
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Emacsen team <>
Changed-By: Nicholas D Steeves <>
 emacs-goodies-el - Miscellaneous add-ons for Emacs
Closes: 338333 692060 904435 904805 904806 904809 904812 904813 904814 904818 904845 904863 904866 904867
 emacs-goodies-el (40.0) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Nicholas D Steeves ]
   * Drop apache-mode.el, which was elpafied (See Bug #889056).
   * Drop boxquote.el, which was elpafied.
   * Drop maplev.el (Closes: #338333).  RFP bug for elpafication is #904471.
   * Add the following to emacs-goodies-el's Recommends:
     elpa-csv-mode, elpa-apache-mode, elpa-bm, elpa-boxquote, elpa-session,
     elpa-pod-mode, elpa-tabbar, elpa-eproject, elpa-initsplit.
   * Sync emacs-goodies-el.texi with current status of package.  Drops
     documentation for all packages that were dropped since 37.0.  Peter S
     Galbraith's substantial work on this info doc can be recovered from
     git history and the relevant portions merged to any ex-goodies
     packages that need them (Closes: #904435).
   * Drop keydef.el, which is unmaintained without update since 2009
     (Closes: #904818).
   * Drop pp-c-l.el, which is only provided via emacswiki.  MELPA is not
     hosting these packages any more and neither should we (Closes: #904814).
   * Drop miniedit.el, which has no active upstream and whose last update was
     in 2010 (Closes: #904812).
   * Drop initsplit.el, which was elpafied.
   * Drop protbuf.el, whose only upstream is emacswiki.  Google's
     protobuf-mode is unrelated.  'emacs-lock-mode is built into GNU Emacs
     and provides this functionality (Closes: #904845).
   * Drop color-theme.el, color-theme-library.el, and
     color-theme_selfdefcustom.el.  David Bremner maintains "it's
     unmaintained since 2009, seems to have no rdeps in Debian, and has few
     rdeps in MELPA".  Despite their popularity, I agree.  (Closes:
     #904809).  Consult README.Debian for information about transitioning
     to Custom Themes.
   * Drop dedicated.el, which is orphaned upstream and has not been updated
     since 2009 (Closes: #904813).
   * Drop ascii.el, because emacswiki is the only upstream.  Not on MELPA
     (Closes: #904806).
   * Drop tc.el, which has no upstream.  If someone wants to take over as
     upstream we can reintroduce it, ideally renamed to elpa-trivial-cite
     (Closes: #904863).
   * Drop button-lock.el, last updated in 2015 and which does not byte
     compile (Closes: #904805).
   * Drop perldoc.el, whose functionality is largely provided by the GNU
     Emacs built-in cperl-perldoc (Closes: #904867).
   * Drop the following, which do not seem to be maintained outside of
     emacs-goodies-el: browse-huge-tar.el, clipper.el, coffee.el
     edit-env.el, egocentric.el, floatbg.el, joc-toggle-buffer.el
     joc-toggle-case.el, keywiz.el, map-lines.el, marker-visit.el
     pack-windows.el, setnu.el, silly-mail.el, slang-mode.el, tlc.el,
     todoo.el, and toggle-option.el (See Bug #904866).
   * Drop the following, which have emacswiki as their only upstream:
     ctypes.el, df.el, and lcomp.el (See Bug #904866).
   * Drop under.el, whose functionality is now provided by the GNU Emacs
     built-in underline.el (Closes: #904866)
   * Drop bar-cursor.el, which was elpafied.
   * Drop align-string.el, which does not seem to have a home on the
     internet and whose functionality overlaps significantly with GNU Emacs
     built-in align.el (See Bug #905088).
   * Drop mutt-alias.el, which was elpafied.
   * Drop shell-command.el, which has not been updated since 2009 and has
     unfixed bugs that make it unsuitable for release.  See README.Debian
     about transitioning to built-in methods (Closes: #692060).
   * Update the EDITION and UPDATED headers of emacs-goodies-el.texi.
   * Drop quilt support, because no patches remain.
     - debian/control: drop it from Build-Depends
     - debian/rules: no longer include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make
     - debian/rules: no longer build --with quilt
   [ David Bremner ]
   * Drop binary package devscripts-el, repackage as elpa-devscripts.
 d78d78c82b5b13a34c38e5bcee928d3b7a7a1388 1721 emacs-goodies-el_40.0.dsc
 2d26f4d481cfa52abcf107a4bd18a2854e586cf6 99100 emacs-goodies-el_40.0.tar.xz
 725eb7d37246fe6262e343fe8b3f91f274e63503 5911 emacs-goodies-el_40.0_amd64.buildinfo
 2e916daef62ee0c7ce0f6a48ce88e0c41fde00dd89661109b8e2da025e208214 1721 emacs-goodies-el_40.0.dsc
 065c48db140395fb067b63a7ce7c26d9caeffab599a11cf7b07b6d90b52cb37e 99100 emacs-goodies-el_40.0.tar.xz
 5933f17e141e106e80a0b79b1a5785011c1a58d33a5f11f3e8d1e58f89b94450 5911 emacs-goodies-el_40.0_amd64.buildinfo
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 0d295b0b9f187d971242489686e77395 99100 editors optional emacs-goodies-el_40.0.tar.xz
 d326258a874065550e9590ad58b5a43b 5911 editors optional emacs-goodies-el_40.0_amd64.buildinfo

